Monday, June 3, 2024


A description of the book:

We are living in a world of depression, which is no respecter of persons. There are many causes of this emotional disorder. To live a life of no depression is possible only when you live in reality and be who you really are and not who you wish you were. To do just that, you need both human and spiritual wisdom.


A sample of the book:

The Unattainable Happiness

"The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness." Fyodor Dostoevsky

The purpose of human life and living is two-fold: to enjoy life, and to expand happiness. But how can you expand happiness if you do not even know what happiness really is? To many, happiness always involves some sort of search, just as the Bible says: “Seek and you will find.” (Matthew 7: 7) Accordingly, like many, you might have begun this universal lifelong quest for happiness, which, ironically and paradoxically, may lead only to more unhappiness, because you may not know what to seek, or how and where to find what you are seeking. This universal quest for happiness is just like a carrot-and-stick in front of a mule: the more pain inflicted on the mule by the stick, the more desirous the mule is in reaching out for that forever unattainable carrot in front of it. Your unhappiness is no more than your mental manifestation of the forever unattainable happiness that you are striving to seek and reach out for. So, not getting whatever you seek only intensifies and magnifies the unhappiness. In many ways, you are just like that mule with self-inflicted pain, which is your depression—the more unhappy you feel, the more depressed you will become, and the longer your vicious cycle of depression will continue, only plunging you deeper into a fathomless black hole of despair and hopelessness.

Indeed, seeking your happiness is just like “chasing the wind”—forever unattainable, unless you know and understand what “true” happiness really is.

Happiness and Pleasure

“Pleasure may come from illusion. But happiness can come only of reality.” Chamfort     

Pleasure is having fun at a party, the excitement of new experiences, the thrill and passion of sex, or the delights of a fine meal. They are all wonderful life experiences to be cherished and cultivated by any individual, but they are only life pleasures, and not human happiness.

The truth is that your wonderful life experiences are only to be enjoyed, and then to be let go of—just  as a delicious meal is to be enjoyed, savored, and then to be digested, and ultimately eliminated from your body. Therefore, any of your life pleasures is fleeting and must be so.

Your happiness, on the other hand, may be less fleeting and more enduring than your life pleasure; but, still, your happiness never lasts forever because nothing in your life is permanent, and everything remains only with that very moment, whether it is your happiness or your pleasure.

The Science of Happiness 

In the contemporary world of technology, there are many psychologists, researchers, and scientists dedicated to coming up with a comprehensive measure of human happiness aimed at helping the depressed and the unhappy. Understandably, there will never be a one-size-fits-all solution to the universal problem of depression and unhappiness.

According to the science of happiness, there are certain aspects of life and living that not only involve happiness but also demand conventional wisdom in life choices and decisions to avoid any predictable unhappiness, as well as to enhance any predisposition to happiness.

Go and get your copy: DEPRESSION NO DEPRESSION


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