Saturday, June 29, 2024


The Book Description:

This is my last book, and I think my “best book” to date.

Of course, most authors think that their current publication being their “best” so far. But I think that this is my “best book” because I earnestly believe that I was “inspired” to write it.

Many months ago, I started to notice my inspiration when I was sleeping. Unlike some writers who’re more creative at dark hours, I never wrote anything at night due to my poor vision. But many new ideas just popped up into my nightly dreams as if someone was speaking to me while I was sleeping, telling me what to write and what not to write. My bursts of inspiration continued for many months, and during some nights I even woke up and had to jot down some key points before I could go back to sleep again.

I noticed that my inspiration also began to happen during the daytime. Sometimes as soon as I turned on the television or switched the channel I was watching, I became instantly inspired by a word or a phrase that was said at that very moment. I believed that God was inspiring me. So, through my daily prayers, I also began to ask God to continue to inspire my writing.

When I began to tell those close to me that I was writing a book on “your death”, their immediate response was: “How gross!”

If my book were to focus on “how” you’re going to die, it could indeed be “gross” because you’re living in a world rampant with natural disasters and physical violence. But my book focuses on your “positive” aspects of living before you die: WHO you can become—a person of love and connection with others; HOW you can live longer—if you wish to extend your existence; WHAT you can do with yourself—before you exit from this world; WHERE you will go when you actually die—somewhere or nowhere.

Your “death and dying” is a fact of your life—not something “gross” to avoid or to talk about.

This is my last book because I’m growing older. If I continue to survive, I’ll spend the rest of my life reviewing and revising some of my books published decades ago.

Stephen Lau

A Sample from the Book:

Your exit from this world is concurrently your arrival at your destination.

So, what will happen next?

Nothing! The death of both your body and your soul will continue at your destination until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Then, what does the Bible say about: What happens when you die?

The right and the righteous do not go to heaven, nor do the evil and the wicked end up in hell. All humans, with their bodies and their souls, die without any consciousness. It’s an erroneous interpretation of the Bible that leads many to believe that the good will “immediately” go to Paradise to be with God.

“When Jesus said to the thief crucified on the cross alongside with Him: ‘Truly, I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.’” Luke 23:43

The actual Greek text of the above had NO comma: which means: “today I tell you”, and NOT “today you will be with Me in Paradise.” So, Jesus did not mean that the thief would be with Him in Paradise on that same day of crucifixion.

Even according to the Gospel of John, souls don’t go to heaven right away when the bodies die.

“No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.” John 3:13

So, when do the right and the righteous ones go to heaven?

According to the Bible, all the dead—the good and the bad, the right as well as the unrighteous—will remain dead until their resurrection on Jesus’ Second Coming. But when? Nobody knows, except God the Father. All the resurrected will then be judged according to their deeds on earth.

 “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

“Those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.” John 5:29


Like everybody else, you’ll be judged after your resurrection. To face your judgment, you’ll need to show WHO you were while you were living in the world, WHAT you had done before your exit from your life, and WHO you had now become on your arrival at your destination.


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