Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Stephen Lau, using a different pen name, is the author of this book.

A description of the book: 

We are living in a world wanting wisdom. The majority of people experience the lack and not the abundance, while only a small number of people feel both the affluence and the wealth. Surviving and navigating in this world of money disparity require profound wisdom—the perspectives of human wisdom, Biblical wisdom, and the TAO wisdom from ancient China. This book is about asking many questions regarding money wisdom, given that money always plays a pivotal role in this world of both lack and abundance. 

Charles Proteus Steinmetz, a German-born American mathematician and electrical engineer, once said: “There are no foolish questions and no one becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.” So, continue asking many self-intuitive questions to enhance your money wisdom. The spirit of wisdom demands you to ask as many questions as possible on how you view the world today based on your own past and present life experiences. Your money wisdom is your need to think about money more. Don’t bury your head on the sand! Be wise on all your money matters!


A sample from the book:


Here are some of the questions you may want to ask yourself with respect to your money wisdom:

What Is money?

Money is not just about coins and dollars; it is about anything and everything in your life that you may have knowingly or unknowingly in your mind attached a price tag.

Money is emotional. So, you must have your money wisdom to navigate that reality by creating your own money beliefs and money habits that may affect your emotions when you feel the abundance or the lack of money.

So, what are your money beliefs? Do you believe that money can buy you many things, if not everything? Do you believe in the power of money?

What are some of your money habits, such as the ways you earn and make your money, as well as the ways you save and spend your money earned? Do they give you security or insecurity?

Does money matter?

Of course, money matters in life. You cannot do without money. Your money always matters to you. That is the reality.

Money can do many things, but not everything, and that is also the reality of money.

Money may provide access to resources which can be used to help you meet some but not all of your everyday “needs.”

With more money, you can live rich; with less money, you can still live richly.

But how to live richly, if you cannot live rich?

Thrift is the answer. Thrift is an alternative lifestyle to consumerism, materialism, and over-consumption in this material world you are living in.

Thrift may help you work less, and not more. Many people are not paying with their money; instead, they are paying with their time from their lives. Are you one of them? Are you doing two or more jobs just to earn that money to spend more? 

Thrift may promote your positive consumption values. Are some or most of your purchases aimed at your instant gratification, or just enhancing your self-esteem, making you feel rich, such as wearing a designer’s dress?

Thrift may encourage your savings. It may give you more space to save, thereby instrumental in protecting you from negative income shocks, such as an unexpected unemployment.

The bottom line

If money really matters to you, capitalize on the skills you already have, enhance and improve them, and look for better and richer employment. In addition, there are likely many other skills you may possess that cannot be or have not been fully maximized or utilized wherever you are working. Then, harness those skills and capitalize on them through doing some freelance work on the side to maximize your current income.

If, on the other hand, you do not have the basic skills, and you do not want to learn and acquire them, and yet you always crave for money and wealth, then your cravings are only your money fantasies.


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