This is an introduction to all the books written by Stephen Lau--to date, there are 43 books published. They include: books on ancient human wisdom in living; spiritual wisdom according to the Bible; contemporary wisdom in "freedom" in the modern world. His books also include language learning and survival skills in a world of disinformation and misinformation.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Living By Faith -- THE NEW BLOG
Friday, August 30, 2024
The TAO in Anything and Everything
The Bible says wisdom is everything. "Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding." (Proverbs 3:13)
Without wisdom, there is no understanding.
But why is understanding important?
Without understanding, anything and everything in life may seem paradoxical and inexplicable. It is this mindset that may make many people "not living in reality" -- in their minds they only see "unfairness" and "inequality." This distorted mindset may even lead many to committing crimes and violence: "Why shouldn't I rob them who've the money that I don't have?" or "They too have broken the law, so why shouldn't I do the same?"
Biblical wisdom is about "accountability" to God, which will give you spiritual "understanding." But if you are not a believer, that "understanding" may be irrelevant to you.
Having said that, human wisdom is indispensable in contemporary living. Human wisdom is not the same as acquisition of knowledge; human wisdom is the application of what you feel and understand to your everyday life and living. So, being knowledgeable does not necessarily mean being wise.
The TAO is the profound wisdom of Lao Tzu, an ancient sage from China more than 2,600 years ago. The TAO has survived and thrived for thousands of years for a good reason: it is applicable to anything and everything in contemporary daily life. The TAO shows you all the hows and the whys of anything and everything happening in your life, including the following: growing up, receiving education, earning a living, making money, getting married, starting a family, raising children, staying healthy, growing old, and dying.
The TAO helps you confront all your daily challenges, and live in balance and harmony.
TAO in Anything and Everything
Stephen Lau
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Journey of Healing
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Brain Fitness to Live Longer
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
The Face Aging Process
The Face Aging Process
Monday, August 26, 2024
Believing in Yourself
Believing in yourself is self-efficacy. Believing in yourself is confidence in your own ability, knowing what you have to do to win or simply to get what you want in life.
In addition, you may also be comparing yourself with others. Remember, nobody is perfect. Others may also have their failures that you are unaware of. You see only their successes but not their failures. Surprisingly, seeing your own imperfections may be the pathway to future success.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Oneness with All Life
According to Buddha, “Nothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else.” What Buddha means is that it is not uncommon for humans to blame their problems on all the things outside themselves—other people and circumstances that are beyond their control. But the connectedness with all life contradicts that common but erroneous belief; the reality is that what we see in others and in our own circumstances is a reflection of our inner life, of what we believe in—which is the main source of all human miseries and sufferings. The truth is that all humans suffer because they do not see the miseries and sufferings in others, except in themselves.
Stephen Lau
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Ny "Angry No More" Commands
As I continue to grow older, I often look back into my past to find out how and why I can become “angry no more” through my daily "commands" to myself:
1. My “Thinkfulness” Command
On waking up every morning, my first command and instruction to myself is “thinkfulness”, which is thinking of thankfulness that I’ve survived yet another day. My mind is filled with thoughts of what I should thank the Lord for—giving me another day.
2. My “Complaint” Command
Throughout the day, I try to catch myself mentally complaining about anything, especially related to my thriving, such as the obstacles in my anticipated achievement. By not complaining, I try to avoid putting my mind in a state of unconsciousness that creates negative energy and denial of the present moment. If I’m still complaining, I’m in fact saying: “I can’t accept what is, and I’m a victim of the present situation.” Understandably, in the present moment, I’ve only three options in any situation that I’m complaining about: get away from the situation; change the situation; and accept the situation as it is.
3. My “Stress” Command
Stress is inevitable in everybody’s life, including mine, especially while growing older. With that realization, I’ve learned to command myself to re-focus more on the present, and less on the future. Without any timeline for my goals, I’ve learned to enjoy doing anything without thinking of the consequence.
4. My “Past” Command
In my
life, I’ve made many mistakes that might have changed my life—maybe for the
worse, or maybe not. Who knows? And who cares? After all, the Lord is in
control of my life. Right now, I’m where He
has destined for me. I never
let the past take up my attention. I don’t let my thinking process create any
anger, guilt, pride, regret, resentment, or self-pity. But, just like everybody
else, I might still have my own negative feelings and emotions, but they never
last too long. I believe that if I allow those thoughts of mine to control me,
I’d look much older than my calendar age, and, worse, create a false sense of
self. Reminiscing what was good in the past would only intensify my desire to
“repeat” a similar experience in the future, and thus creating an insatiable
longing that may never be fulfilled. Remembering what was unpleasant in the
past would only generate my own emotions of remorse and unhappiness.
5. My “Present” Command
To me, living in the present holds the key to stopping my mind from processing my past and my future thoughts, which is the instinctive and automatic output of my mental process. My mind is cruel and demanding, such that I may easily become its slaves, doing whatever it commands and demands me to do without even being consciously aware of it. So, the only way to free myself from that invisible bondage is to live in the now, even though just for a short while. Living in the now changes my mind for the better: it cherishes my mental clarity, my deep insight, and my internal peace. Living in the now has become a strong tool for my mental self-control. So, I command my daily mindfulness to make me live in the now with the Lord’s Presence in my mind.
6. My “Future” Command
As I grow older, I acknowledge that I’ve the propensity to identify myself with my thinking mind, projected into the future with imaginary images of myself living in a nursing home, being totally disabled, and thus creating my own imaginary anxiety, fear, and worry. But I’ve also learned that the projected future is unreal because it doesn’t exist. It becomes real only when it happens—but not before or even after it. So, waiting for the future is only my state of mind: I want the future, but not the present; I don’t want what I’ve already got, but I want what I haven’t got yet. So, I command myself to acknowledge my present reality—who I am, where I am, what I am doing with my life. My daily acknowledgement is my obedience to the Lord.
7. My “Misfortune” Command
Life won’t be wholesome without misfortunes and tragedies, which enable my appreciation of what life has to offer. There is a Chinese saying: “A man’s destiny can’t be summarized and sealed until nails are put on his coffin’s top.” So, I command myself to trust what the Lord has destined for me until the last day of my life on earth. Anyway, I wouldn’t be the person putting the nails on my coffin’s top.
8. My “Right Conduct” Command
Right conduct is living in the right way, which is more than “not breaking the law.” To be right with the Lord is to do all the right and the righteous things in my life through the Holy Spirit, instead of through my mind in my flesh. So, every day I command myself to turn to the Holy Spirit for help.
9. My “Failure” Command
Life is full of failures, big and small. But they shouldn’t have become the stumbling blocks in my life journey. For example, I failed as an antique shop owner when I set up my retail antique business; I still have many of the antiques that I like, but I couldn’t find enough customers for my business to survive. Also, I failed as an entrepreneur when I bought a franchised cleaning business; I’d problems finding workers and ended up doing the cleaning myself. I always look upon my past failures with positive attributes: a lesson of humility to show my own limitation and inadequacy; a lesson of never getting what I want in my life; a lesson of strengthening my character; a lesson of perseverance and survival from failures. If I’d succeeded in my previous endeavors, I’d have embarked on a totally different life journey heading toward a totally different direction. Would I really have been better off or worse off? Who knows, and who cares? I never ponder on the “might have” or the “would have” scenarios. In addition, I often recall what Bill Gates said: “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” So, I command myself to follow the Lord as my Shepherd.
10. My “Life Purpose” Command
I understand that life must have a purpose: an external as well as an internal purpose.
for the Lord to take away my fear, my regret, and
my negativity.
3. My “Stress” Command
is inevitable in everybody’s life, including mine, especially while growing
working on my book, I often focus too much on the future and forget about the
present. My mind may easily become preoccupied with getting to the next chapter
or the completion of that book, such that I easily forget about the present. I
realize that my stress is due to my “being here” but
“wanting to be there.”
With that
realization, I’ve learned to command myself to re-focus more on the present,
and less on the future. Without any timeline for my writing, I’ve learned to enjoy my writing and the writing process without
thinking of the consequence.
4. My “Past” Command
In my
life, I’ve made many mistakes that might have changed my life—maybe for the
worse, or maybe not. Who knows? And who cares? After all, the Lord is in
control of my life. Right now, I’m where He
has destined for me.
I never
let the past take up my attention. I don’t let my thinking process create any
anger, guilt, pride, regret, resentment, or self-pity. But, just like everybody
else, I might still have my own negative feelings and emotions, but they never
last too long. I believe that if I allow those thoughts of mine to control me,
I’d look much older than my calendar age, and, worse, create a false sense of
Reminiscing what was good in the past would only intensify my desire to “repeat” a similar experience in the future, and thus creating an insatiable
longing that may never be fulfilled. Remembering what was unpleasant in the
past would only generate my emotions of remorse and unhappiness.
The Chinese Wisdom to Succeed
The Chinese Proverbs "Do today's work, today." Traditional "A kind man sees kindness, the wise man sees wisdom." Boo...
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A Sample of the Book: THE COMPLETE TAO TE CHING IN PLAIN ENGLISH Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu is one of the most translated books in world lite...