Thursday, July 11, 2024


 A description of the book:

Aging begins as early as late twenties or early thirties, and accelerates as time progresses. Aging causes many problems leading to pain and suffering, and ultimately death. Successful aging requires living in reality.

Unfortunately, many are living in fancy and fantasy, but not in reality. Why not? It is because many commit sins and do evils, thinking they can get away without any accountability as long as they do not break the law and order of their countries. 

BOOK OF AGING AND REVELATION provides spiritual wisdom for a non-believer to become a believer in order to cope and deal with all the problems of aging. Yes, aging brings about death, but the revelation of aging is eternal salvation.


A sample from the book:


Now, as your aging continues, what is your own take on “anything is everything”?

If you were the man in the tragic car rage, would you have fired the gunshot? If you were the woman, would you have honked back that resulted in the death of your grandson?

If you had lots of money, would you have become involved in college admission cheating scandal to get yourself or your children into an elite school or college? 

Looking back into your past, had you done something improper, if not illegal, because of your belief that something was everything to you then?


In many ways, many of us are just like a frog in a well, looking up at the limited sky above, in that we see only ourselves, and no one else, and therefore anything is everything to us. In other words, we see only our own needs and desires that must be fulfilled and gratified no matter how, but without seeing the same needs and desires of others.

Just like the man in the car rage who saw only his own need to get going, but without even considering why the woman might be stalling her car at the stop sign and not moving ahead right away. As a result, he fired his gun at the woman's car and accidentally killed her grandson sitting at the back of her car.

Just like the Chinese couple who saw only their own desire to get their two sons into Harvard University, but without considering that their “improper action” of using her money to get her two sons into Harvard University might also deprive the opportunity of two other students to get into Harvard University.

These two examples above also illustrate another basic but major human flaw—the “inflated” ego-self, focusing too much on “anything is everything” related to an individual’s ego-self.

“Anything is everything” exemplifies the sins and evils of man. If you want the money you do not have, you just go and rob the bank. If you lust for someone, you just go and commit adultery. If someone aggravates and insults you, you just go and shoot your gun. Not living in reality is committing sins and evils with no accountability and thinking of only yourself.

But revelation of aging may now show you that you are created to be in this world for only one purpose: to be your true self, and not someone with an inflated ego. Conventional wisdom may tell you to find your role model, pursue your life goals based on that role model. Subconsciously, you may begin to dream that you are that role model or someone else that you are not. That is not living in reality, just as you think that going to Harvard University is everything to you because it guarantees success in anything in your life.

Probably, like everybody else, you might have done many similar things in the past due to your sin of pride and not living in reality when you were young.

Now, in your advanced years, you may want to be the frog that jumps out of the well to see anything and everything totally different, and that is revelation of your aging. So, let go of your pride or your ego to see yourself re-connected with others. According to the law of nature, what you do to others, you also do to yourself.


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