Wednesday, July 10, 2024


A description of the book:

This book shows you why and how you should become a believer in order to live in reality.

You are living in a world of infinite information distributed through multiple media. Unfortunately, some of the information can be biased, distorted, and misinterpreted. As a result, you may have become misinformed, and thus negatively affecting how you think and what you believe.

The purpose of this book is to separate the truths from the half-truths or the myths; that is, separating the sheep from the goats. Why is this important? Because “living in reality” holds the key to not only living as if everything is a miracle but also to surviving and thriving in a material world with too many attractions and distractions.

A sample from the book:

Living in Reality

What is “living in reality”? If “living in reality” can be summarized in just one word, that word is “accountability.”

Then, what is “accountability”?

“Accountability” is the responsibility of an individual for the thinking and the decision, as well as the action or the inaction, of that individual, regardless of the circumstances. The accountability can be mental, physical, and even spiritual.

A simple illustration

You were one of the last two persons at a bar. You were sitting close to each other. The person finished his drink and left the bar, leaving some cash for the bartender, who, at that moment, was away with your credit card. You grabbed the tip left on the table by the man who had just left, and then placed it toward you. The bartender returned with your credit card, looked at the money right in front of you, and said: “Thank you.”

Did you do anything wrong?

If you had intended not to give the bartender any tip anyway, what you did had not changed the scenario—the bartender would still have said: “Thank you” with or without your tip, and she would have received the same amount of tip.

What is important in that hypothetical illustration is the accountability.

The reality of one minor misbehavior with no accountability will often lead to many more serious ones with no accountability.

The “no-accountability“ mindset

In this world, many have developed their own “no accountability” mindset based on their own beliefs, their own justifications, and their own rationalizations. They simply have no accountability to the law and order, not to mention to God.


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