Thursday, July 4, 2024


 A description of the book:

This book is about how to live your life as if everything is a miracle. Of course, it is never easy, but at least just try, and you have your freedom to do your best.

With your breath of life, you were born into this world. Your life is all about your living, which is getting what matters most to you—it could be anything and everything in your daily life.

The reality is that what matters to you is all based on your own life experiences perceived, interpreted, and processed by your five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Your life experiences then become the raw materials with which your thinking mind has created the so-called “realities” in your life. The truth of the matter is that all human perceptions are only personal and subjective: they are affected not only by an individual’s five senses, but also by that individual’s unique experiences, as well as by the indelible memories of those experiences stored in the thinking mind of that individual.

So, what is important to you may not be as important to others, and vice-versa. For this reason, anything could be everything to only just you, but not to others, including your freedom

An illustration

Near the end of 2016, a road rage occurred in Arkansas that ended in tragedy.     

A woman, with her 3-year-old grandson sitting at the back of her car, stopped at a stop sign. A man in the car right behind honked her for not starting her car immediately, but the woman honked back. Thus, the road rage began with the man firing a gun shot at the back of the woman’s car.

Not stopping too long at a stop sign or wanting to get to a place on time might be everything to the man, so he had his “freedom” to honk at the car in front. Having the right to remain where she was might also be everything to the woman, so she also had her “freedom” to honk back.  

Unfortunately, that anything-is-everything “freedom” ended in tragedy—the death of the woman’s three-year-old grandson being shot dead while sitting at the back seat of her car.

The bottom line

In life, anything and everything could play a pivotal role in your everyday living. The woman lost her grandson simply because she expressed her “freedom” to honk back; the shooter in the road rage had to spend years in prison simply because he had his “freedom” to honk at the car in front, as well as his “freedom” to fire his gun out of his anger and rage.

So, your “freedom” is your choices and decisions to act according to what your mind tells you; in other words, your “freedom” is controlled and dominated by your own thinking mind.

Given that you are living in a material and misinformation world with many distortions and distractions, the innate desires in your flesh make it difficult for your thinking mind to do all the right things or to stop doing all the wrong things. But it is your own “incapacitated” mind that controls your “freedom” of choices and decisions that may have either positive or negative consequences in your life. To live your life to the fullest, your “freedom” can be everything or nothing when it comes to dealing with anything and everything in your everyday life that matters to you.

One of the objectives of this book is to show you how you can still have your “freedom” without your “bondage” in every aspect of your daily life and living.   

To do that, you need deep thinking of your mind. However, that may not be easy, just as Albert Einstein once said: “Thinking is difficult; that’s why so few people do it.”

What exactly is thinking?

Thinking is asking yourself many self-intuitive questions of how, what, when, and why concerning what is happening in your life, and then seeking relevant answers from all the questions asked. But many questions may not provide you with answers right away because human wisdom is limited and incomplete.

So, you may also need spiritual wisdom to help you connect all the dots so that you may have a better understanding of what “true freedom” really means and where you can find it.

With “true freedom”, you will be able to make the right choices and the right decisions to deal with all aspects of your daily issues in different phases of your life, such as growing up, becoming an adult, and turning old.

Your “freedom” of choices to do the wrong things can be either intentional or unintentional. But, no matter what, the consequences of your “freedom” will hold you in the shackles of your bondage for the rest of your life. Given that your mind is in your flesh, your “freedom” of wrong choices and wrong decisions resulting in wrongdoings is prevalent. So, the leading question is: How do you have “freedom with no bondage”?

Go and get your copy: FREEDOM WITH BONDAGE

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